
Soup Kitchens and Food Pantries in NYC. The Coalition Against Hunger hosts this Google map of over 1,000 hunger and food resources in New York City, searchable by borough and zip code. The raw data is also available.
>  23 November 2008 | LINK | Filed in ,
Mapping electoral fraud in Zimbabwe. Murder, abduction, violence, food hoarding, buying votes... an overview of election conditions mapped by Zimbabwe Election Watch
>  28 March 2008 | LINK | Filed in , ,
1,000 Lies. The Center for Public Integrity has compiled a database of Iraq-related speeches, briefings, interviews, testimony by the Bush administration in the two years following September 11, 2001. They found at least 935 false statements about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq — reaching a crescendo before the invasion. Their analysis and data set are searchable online.
Graph of Lies
>  26 January 2008 | LINK | Filed in , , ,
CrashStat. Display pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities from 1995-2005 on a Google Map of New York City.
>  4 December 2007 | LINK | Filed in , , , , , , ,